PROJECT: Wine Carrying Case
CLIENT: DAOU Vineyards
Don’t you just hate it when you’re on a picnic and you forget your carrying case for that bottle of pinot? Well, so did DAOU Vineyards! DAOU loves to provide high-end, luxury goods to their fans that compliment their exquisite wine offerings. The idea for this case originally arose from a brainstorm for holiday gift ideas, where my love of shopping often pays off, and then morphed into a full-scope project of creating a unique carrying case that they could give away to buyers and/or sell in their gift shop.
A large amount of research went into exploring just the right shape and design. I created and oversaw a plethora of design options that were presented; ultimately DAOU went with a sleek, minimalistic look that boldly pronounced: a bottle of DAOU is in here. I worked directly with the U.S.-based vendor in selecting and approving materials and finishes, including preliminary prototypes.
After a year of refining the prototypes, I was proud to behold an elegant case that I would proudly bring to any picnic or gathering.